
Vintage streetstyle, round 2: Gabika

Photo send in by Alenka K: "On the picture is my grandmother Gabika (left) with her friend from college (taken around 1952-55). As I learned, my grandmom was a great beauty in her time and even though she came from a poor family, she liked to dress nicely. Who know if this was the outfit that charmed Jozef, her future husband, who was from Orava, but had to move to her village when his was flooded when the Orava dam was built. The picture is from the village of Aleksince next to Nitra, and that's where I am living too :-)"

Fotku poslala Alenka K. : "Na fotke je moja stará mama Gabika (vľavo) so svojou kamarátkou na strednej škole (fotené okolo roku 1952-55). Ako som sa dozvedela, stará mama bola vraj v tej dobe vychýrená krásavica a hoci pochádzala z chudobnej rodiny, rada sa vkusne obliekala.
Ktovie, či to bol práve jej outfit, na ktorý "zbalila" Jozefa, rodáka z Oravy, ktorý sa musel presťahovať do dedinky pri Nitre (v ktorej žila ona) po tom, čo tú jeho plánovali zatopiť kvôli Oravskej priehrade. Fotka je z tej dedinky, Aleksince pri Nitre, tam žijem aj ja :-)"

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